Menopause Symptoms Best Managed With MHT, Doctors Claim

Going through menopause can be very tough to women especially at a period when they are supposed to take things easy. At a point when women should be enjoying life to the fullest, the onset of menopause may make this impossible and instead bring only anguish. But this should not have to be the case since there are a few things women in the menopausal stage may do to address this distress. 
Symptoms of Menopause 
A woman’s life may be disrupted due to menopausal symptoms that may be very severe and may occur frequently. Hot flashes which affect 50 to 82 percent of women are perhaps the most bothersome of these symptoms. There are also the night sweats which contribute to the sleeping problems of countless women. Vaginal dryness, memory problems, mood swings, painful sexual intercourse, and urinary problems are other symptoms of menopause. 
Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms 
A woman may avail of several treatment options in addressing this problem. Modifications in one’s lifestyle and behavior, such as keeping away from foods that may set off hot flashes, would be a good initial step. These conservative measures will certainly go a long way in providing relief and comfort in one’s condition although these may not entirely remove the symptoms. 
Medications specifically for these symptoms may be prescribed by the attending physician. Using birth control pills and medicines intended for other conditions but which may also address menopausal symptoms may greatly benefit a sufferer. Although these options have proven to be of great help, medical experts have claimed that menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is by far the most effective method. 
Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) 
Hormone therapy was a popular approach in treating menopausal symptoms for so many years. After a large-scale study in 2002 revealed that continued use of these hormones may lead to serious health problems, the use of this method declined drastically. 
Medical experts have gradually changed their positions insofar as hormone therapy is concerned. Under certain conditions and controls, these experts believe that the use of hormones may benefit women suffering symptoms of menopause. It has been proven that hormone therapy, with estrogen alone or estrogen plus progestin, is the most effective way to manage hot flashes and other symptoms. 
However, it should be remembered that MHT is not just for anyone. The use of this therapy is not advisable for women who may be suffering from certain medical conditions, especially heart-related diseases. Therapy should be started at a low dose and most preferably by applying these in the vagina where there is little possibility of the hormone going into the bloodstream in order to minimize any risk. 
Hormone Therapy and POP, SUI 
Hormone therapy may also benefit a woman by reducing the risk of developing or worsening a pelvic floor disorder even if this treatment method may have been intended for hot flashes and night sweats. It has been known that the loss of these hormones, which results to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, may trigger the development of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). 
Surgical options such as vaginal mesh surgeries may be eliminated with the prevention of POP and SUI. Thousands of women who underwent these surgical procedures have been reported to experience severe complications. These have resulted to serious injuries, compelling these injured women to file vaginal mesh lawsuits. 